About Us
A partnership of denominations, churches, and non-profits
The Abuse Awareness and Prevention Network (AAPN) is dedicated to resource sharing, networking and training around abuse awareness and prevention within Christian ministries, institutions and churches in Canada. It began in 2021 as a partnership between multiple organizations, all uniting around the philosophy that response to abuse is made more effective through collaboration.
In February 2022, the AAPN hosted a consultation with denominational, church, ministry, school and camp leaders to assess areas of current strength as well as needs the AAPN could address. Read the summary report of the findings by clicking on the button below.

Advisory Team
Atie Ott
Atie Ott is the Safe Church Coordinator for churches in Classis Huron of the Christian Reformed Church. Her role is to raise awareness, educate, provide resources, and support those impacted by abuse. In addition, Atie organizes an Annual Inter-classis Safe Church Conference relating to abuse issues.
Atie started her career as a mental health nurse, later became coordinator of the Mobile Crisis Team. She completed studies in social work and has a certificate in trauma counselling.
Gloria Johnston
Gloria Johnston, M.T.S, in Biblical Studies, is administrative assistant of Small Church Connections, a ministry that serves small churches and pastors across Canada. She co-pastors with her husband, Dr. Ron Johnston at New Dundee Baptist Church in Ontario. She has been a pastor’s wife for over 40 years as well as a missionary and has 30 years of experience working as a medical office assistant. She has three great children and seven wonderful grandchildren.
Unfortunately in her years of pastoring, she and her husband have dealt with several cases of abuse within the church. She has a special interest in abuse and in trying to prevent it.
Jaymie Friesen
As the Abuse Response and Prevention Coordinator for the Mennonite Central Committee Manitoba, Jaymie Friesen raises awareness and offers resources relating to healthy relationships and abuse, while supporting those impacted by abuse. Jaymie entered this role with experience as a healthy relationships educator, sexual assault crisis counsellor, and mental health worker. She holds a BA in Social Sciences and Counselling, Certificate in Applied Counselling, and is currently working on her Masters in Psychotherapy and Spirituality.
Joel Gordon
Joel Gordon is the Director of Partnerships and Ministry Innovation at the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada (EFC). As partnerships director, Joel is aware of many EFC affiliates who are interested in sharing best practices and learning more about how to prevent abuse. There is also a desire to grow in their capacity to respond effectively when abuse-related issues arise. As a result, Joel is dedicated to helping to facilitate conversations, to support forums for dialogue and to spur on resource creation that will support Christians in Canada in creating awareness about abuse prevention and responses.
Lydia Fawcett
Lydia Fawcett has been with Mennonite Central Committee BC End Abuse Program since 2018. Before coming to MCC, Lydia worked for over two decades for the BC Government in Ministry of Children and Family Development. She held numerous positions during this time, ranging from child protection worker to Acting Director.
Lydia was also at one time the Dean of Women at Columbia Bible College. She is married to Brian and they have one adult son. Lydia enjoys walking, reading, quilting, and spending time with family and friends.
Steve Snider
Steve Snider is the Director of Workplace Learning at Karis Disabilities Services. Steve has served at Christian Horizons since 1988 and has developed and delivered courses on abuse prevention and response since 1996.
Steve is a graduate of the Ryerson School of Social Work. He and his wife Deborah live in Kitchener, Ont. with their daughter Victoria and dog Lily.
Elke Carlson
Elke Carlson is the Director of Safe Ministry with the Alliance Canada.
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